Alyria's Website
Published on: Feb 11, 2025 at 7:55 PM
Reading time: 2 minutes

I'm going to use the blanket today


Alyria has always slept in a sleep sack, and eithe clothes (for her nap) or pajamas (at night). So she's never had an issue of being too cold. We have however, been trying to get her used to using a blanket for some time now. She never wanted to and resisted quite adamantly. And we never fought too hard on it because... well, you have to choose your battles.

We have however, kept a blanket with her in bed. She doesn't scrunch it like you might expect. She actually just likes it neatly laid out right next to her. Anyway, we've had her laying with a blanket for over a year now. Lately we've been talking to her about how to use the blanket, and that when she's older she may want to use it.

So this past Saturday (three days ago), she actually declared that she was going to use her blanket during nap time. She got excited and climbed underneath.... we had to help her a little. But it was definitely a moment for me.

Unfortunately, as it was a new experience for her, she really didn't know how to use is. She kept struggling as she turned in bed and just couldn't keep it on. Sadly, she ended up not napping that day.

The next day I made sure to practice a little during waking hours, and I showed her how to hold on to the blanket and what happens if you don't do it right. Fortunately, she was eager to try. But it's still something she's going to spend some time to learn.

Cognitive Leap

Interestingly, I noticed earlier last week that she had a little be of a cognitive leap. As she's gotten older, it's been harder to pinpoint and describe exactly what it is. But there was definitely something I noticed in what she talks about and the way she talk.

She had a couple of days last week where she didn't sleep much... either waking up too early or staying up late. So I wonder if the leap had a contribution there. (I had heard from someone that we can expect more difficult times during leaps... whether it's lack of sleep, regression in some behavior, or other issues).

Goodnight, I love you

Alyria can be so incredibly sweet. Lately at night she's always saying, "I love you. I hope you sleep well". And if mom is not in the room, she'll say, "make sure to tell mommy to sleep well". I can't help but smile (or sometimes even chuckle) when she does things like that.

Author: dad
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